The Challenges in my Life...
Being on the Autism spectrum, there are aspects of life that are more challenging for me than others. I guess since I'm grown up, I have new obstacles to deal with and older ones have either gone away or don't bother me as much as they did when I was a kid. But this generally makes sense for anyone depending on what they have gone through with their youth. Like I mentioned earlier though, my situation is, or can be, different. One big challenge for me was moving to Florida in 2003. I was excited to move, but to be more specific, I was just nervous and afraid to join any groups or sports teams at school because I thought I wouldn't be accepted. I also just wanted to stay with what I did from where I came from, if that makes sense. To put it better, I didn't want to replace my experiences in Carmel, Indiana with new ones in Florida. But I understand now that nothing will replace any of my experiences I have had in my life, unless I want them to. Another big challenge ...