How I Found Success and Happiness...

    There's no denying it, everyone has those negative voices in their minds that gives them a false sense of reality. I suffered a lot from them this decade while trying different paths and learning how to deal with them. Mine are mainly based on self esteem and wondering if I'll ever be happy and successful. But what I soon came to realize is that there's always a time to feel happy and successful.

    The number one voice I kept hearing in my mind has went along the lines of "Agh, are failing! How can you call yourself a member of society if you have failed what you have been told? They told you, 'get good grades', 'go to college', and 'find a good job'. That's how you find your way in society and you're not able to do it!" Pretty harsh, right? Part of what I kept hearing has been true though. Society tells us, especially growing up in school, to get good grades for a college acceptance to get educated on a career you desire. It's just how society has been built to help us be a part of it. But I learned that we're not able to learn and grow the same way as others. We have our own unique talents, abilities, and ways of learning and doing that shouldn't have to follow the ways society has built for us to grow up in. It's only a matter of time that we will be able to see to our ways and grow and learn the best that each individual can. So the way I've dealt with this particular voice in my head, I told myself, "Hey, I'm not a robot! If I'm failing at the way society has told me to work things out, then I should find my own way to do the task, and there's always another way." As I was feeling down about taking my time on trying to find my way, I suddenly remembered the story, "The Tortoise and the Hare".

    You know how the story goes, right? The Tortoise and the Hare race each other and it's obvious who's gonna win. The Hare is a lot faster than the Tortoise because it doesn't have a shell to slow it down like the Tortoise does. However, as the Hare gets closer to the finish line, it thinks to itself, "Hey, the Tortoise is way behind me. I could take a nap to recover and still win.". What happens next? The Hare sleeps too long and the Tortoise catches up and ends up crossing the finish line before the Hare wakes up. So, the message I took away from this story is that taking your time on something doesn't mean you have failed life. It means that you can have success and happiness no matter how slow you progress in life. Also, happiness is just a choice.

    Anytime you want to be happy, just be happy. There's always something to be happy and grateful about, even if we take it for granted. I learned this from a book of positive quotes that my grandpa gave me. It was a great read, and one to go back and read again. There's one quote I love, but I don't think it was in that book, but it goes like this, "Appreciate the little things, there's so many of them.". I'm not sure who said it, but some of the small things out there are ones we do take for granted. You know, it's like just learn to stop and smell the roses, as that saying goes. Another quote I read somewhere goes like this, "If you have a roof over your head, a table with food, and loving people to share it with, you are richer than you think.". This is another quote that I'm not sure who said it, but my interpretation of it is that a home with food and people who love each other is all that you need to be happy and successful. I know that money in this world provides a way to support ourselves and then some, but I've learned that money can't buy happiness.

    So, basically, I'm saying that I found success and happiness to be ever present when I find my own way of doing things, know I can take my time, learn to appreciate the little things, and know that money doesn't buy happiness, only the means to support myself and then some. I think I now know that I am happy and successful to have loving people in my life and to eventually find what I love to do to be able to support myself. Life is certainly good!

-By Andrew Boughner


  1. Andrew, I love your writing! This post, in particular, hits home for me. Every night as I lay down my head, I spend time reflecting on my day. I think about at least three things that happened for which I'm grateful. Some days the list is really long, other days not so much. But, I find it's a good thing to fall asleep being grateful rather than frustrated or annoyed. Thank you for writing this!


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