Sixth Grade: The Worst School Year of My Life...

    Yep, you read that right. Everyone probably should have a worst school year in their youth. Now, I wouldn't say it was all bad, but sixth grade was definitely the school year I don't want to relive. This isn't about the big change from elementary school to middle school. No, this is about the people I encountered and some of the unfairness I experienced.

    Being that I was part of the program where some students needed extra time on tests, needed a copy of notes, or just general assistance with assignments, the person who was in charge is one that I never want to see again. I don't want to mention who because I am nice enough to respect everyone. But, I can only think of two instances where this person has become one that I do not like at all.

    First, I'm with her and some of my fellow classmates during lunch hour and we're working on an assignment. The bell goes off to issue the time for some students, including us, to go off for lunch. She doesn't dismiss us and I went on to explain to her what our situation was the other day because she assumed we went to lunch at a different time since we did that other day. She doesn't listen to me, probably because I was known back then to not be the best behaved student. I kept checking to see if she would dismiss us throughout the time we were with her, but she didn't, not until the time she thought it was our time to go to lunch. So, what I got away from this, including now, is that she didn't approve of me interrupting our time to go to lunch because I was one to probably cause trouble and to avoid doing the assignment. "Well, excuse me for wanting to go to lunch at our assigned time, miss, but food and drink is important, especially for learning" is what I keep saying in my mind whenever I think of this moment. She left an impression in me that told me she isn't a good person.

    Lastly, I believe it was near the end of the school year when we were with her and she had a video camera recording us during our time with her doing an assignment. She claimed that what the camera was recording was for TV. What I have known of her, I suspected she was lying just to get us to behave, but I did what she told us to do anyway. It just goes to show that some teachers will do wrong things to get kids to behave, or at least it was like that back then. I just think it's terrible that teachers would lie to their students to get them to do what they think is right, which is another reason why I never want to see that person again. Anyway, she wasn't the only area of my time in sixth grade that made me never wanting to relive that school year.

    It seemed going into sixth grade was like moving to a new place. The boys in my classes didn't want to be friends with me and if I remember correctly, they treated me badly. One incident, that has stuck with me, was when one of the boys made fun of my face because I had acne. He said, "well, you need to put more acne cream on your face". I don't know the context, but I know he was being mean, and luckily our teacher stopped him from continuing. Now, I have imagined talking back at him, but I never did, which is a good thing. There was one other thing I remember from this school year that I didn't appreciate.

    Again, it was by the end I think, where that same person who was in charge of those who needed help with assignments by giving us more time on tests and copies of notes, had given my teachers a behavioral evaluation sheet to observe how I was behaving. Every time I behaved wrongly, they would write whatever I did on the evaluation sheet. One in particular, I didn't even mean to act wrongly. It was during my Language Arts class when one of the students was writing on the chalk board and suddenly burped while facing the rest of the class. Some of the boys waved their hands over their face to fan away the remains of the burp. Then I said, "a burp isn't like a fart", and the teacher wrote me down for saying "fart". Thinking about it now, though, I knew what I did was probably wrong, but there's nothing wrong with saying "fart" as much as it is to say a bad word.

    Anyway, those situations from my sixth grade school year have made it the worst school year for me. I know that I myself probably contributed, but I'm just letting you know what has made it bad for me, regardless of my actions being wrong or not. There was good news though, and it's the fact that it was the last school year for me in Florida. Yep, I was so happy and thankful to God that my family was moving back to Carmel, Indiana before the start of my seventh grade school year. God probably thought I had enough of the middle school I attended in Florida for sixth grade, and did His part to make me happy again. So, yeah, I just thought I would blog about my worst school year just to let it out of my system and share it with others.

    -By Andrew Boughner


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